Supporting your child with DLD
You are the expert in your child, and no-one knows them quite like you do. You are an invaluable resource for advocating for them, helping them and ensuring others understand their strengths and needs. Below are a few ideas to support you in this.
Please see this infographic to help you navigate a diagnosis of DLD with knowledge and confidence. We welcome you to download it and share it widely.
Find out more about DLD
We have made a parent leaflet, which provides you with some basic information about DLD.
Please speak to your local NHS Speech and Language Therapy service about DLD and the concerns you have.
For some useful podcasts take look at The DLD Project.
The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists also has some useful webpages about DLD.
Spread the word
The more people understand DLD, the easier it will be for individuals to get the support and acceptance they need. Start by telling other family members- you could use the RADLD videos to help you with this. If your child's school aren't aware of DLD, ask to meet them to discuss it. Afasic could support you to communicate effectively with school and local authorities to get the right support for your child. You could also become a RADLD Ambassador.
Talk to your child
Parents sometimes worry that talking openly about things their child finds difficult will upset them. In our experience, children are often aware that they are somehow 'different' to others, but don't feel they can talk about it because no-one else does. By talking about language difficulties in a relaxed way, you can support your child to ask for help when they need it. DLD And Me can support you to introduce what DLD is sensitively to your child.
You are not alone
Being a parent of a child with DLD can
be a stressful experience, particularly if you aren't in touch with other parents in the same position. We recommend you try reaching out: you could join the Facebook group, connect on Twitter using the hashtag #devlangdis, contact your local parent/carer forum or speak to Afasic - a charity supporting parents of children with communication needs.