About us
Anna Sowerbutts
Anna is a Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist based in Hackney. She has worked with children with a wide range of speech, language and communication disorders in early years, primary and secondary schools. She specialise in speech and language disorders, including Developmental Language Disorder. She works clinically part-time for the NHS while carrying out research at UCL.
Amanda is a Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist. She worked in the NHS until 2020 and now for the organisation Symbol UK, Amanda also provides private assessments and therapy. She has specialised in working with children in early years, primary and secondary schools with DLD and speech disorders since 2012. She led the development of Hackney's DLD service and has spoken about this at a range of events including a UCL Study Day, Clinical Excellence Networks (CENs), and a webinar organised by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) .

Amanda Finer

Winning The Sternberg Award for Clinical Innovation at the RCSLT Honours and Giving Voice Awards for DLD and Me: Supporting children and young people with Developmental Language Disorder.
September 2019.